What’s more depressing to look at than a supermodel?

A woman who has popped out a kid or two and still looks more smokin’ hot than you ever did.

I’m just ranting of course.

Its great to see how Sri Lankan women are more into maintaining their appearance.

The undoing of me even after being on best behaviour all day are the post work/ pre-dinner hunger pangs that strike around 6 or 7 pm.

But guess what works? A small wedge of cheese staves off craving for salt and satisfies that need for indulgence.

And I get really peeved if there isnt any in the house.

Anyway here’s proof,

A 35g wedge of cheese has 140 calories while a regular cupcake contains about 310.

But then again I’m not much of a calorie counter. I try to eat less, eat natural and just go with the flow.

And hey its working so far.

So I’m doing it boot camp style.

Starting with near starvation to test my endurance. Just for a week.


Apparently these days you starve to look good so you are better accepted at work.

A friend once told me how his lady boss practically starves in an attempt to lose weight. He added that its probably important to women of her stature because looking good is an essential part of being taken notice of at work and networking in their professional circles.  

Since then I’ve spoken to a few top career women who are in great shape and they tell me that this is in fact very true. One of them only sips fruit juice at lunch and skips dinner altogether. Another eats only salad for lunch and dinner both. The third skips lunch and has boiled vegetables for dinner. All of them work out religiously.

I’ve come to realise that this is probably true with most women who look fabulous.

While we go home  feeling envious and gobble cookies wishing we could be as thin, these women go home and literally work their asses off at looking the way they do.

Its an almost exact replica of the dress I wore to a dance the year I graduated. Size 4.

A few years and countless binges later I wore the likes of this last week. Size 12.

So you see something HAS to be done.